Thursday, January 19, 2012

Yes, I'm sad. I'll stop soon.

I've had a hard week.  People who follow me on Facebook know that.  Dark messages, swear words, a cover photo of a darkened stormy sky.

Well, it happens.  It's hard living here in Abu Dhabi.  I've gone out to meet people on three separate occassions and had a wonderful time.  I thought the other parties did too, but then my messages and calls went unanswered.  I think I might be unlikeable, and that makes me very sad.

This is the not the first time this has happened.  On two previous occassions, whole groups of girls decided that I was not worthy to be my friend and left me crying on the curb, once even literally.  Being here, meeting people who don't want to meet again, it's like living through that all again.  It suxxx <multiple x's indicate how much suckitude).

I do meet people who are great, but they are all coworkers of Dan's or their wives.  They have jobs.  Lives outside of their homes.  I do not.  I do not know how to connect with a group of women who are all teachers or all have children in common.  That's not my bag, and I don't understand it.  So I spend my days baking, watching old movies, trying to crochet (despite the severe lack of supplies here), and posting on a local internet forum. 

That forum recently decided that I was unworthy of them because of a negative review I posted on Amazon about a book written by a member.  Trust me, the book is terrible, and the positive reviews are all due to cronyism and a free coupon book.  Well, now I've been rejected by a large segment of the expat woman community in Abu Dhabi, and it hurts.  I've also had the unfortunate experience of posting on on the advice of a friend.  There I was lambasted and then other members proceeded to send me IMs.  Here are a couple highlights:

The middle east is the best place for you.  I hope your husband beats you every day and passes you around like a blundt

You deserve all the vitriol and hate you get until you can't stand it anymore and just die

You fucking cunt


And those are just a few.  These are the result of a topic regarding a woman who came into the gym, went to the machine next to me, and spritzed herself down with sandalwood perfume until I started gagging and had to leave. 

The internet is a terrible place, but I don't know how else to remain connected to the world.  It's not coffee with a group of biddies whose biggest problem is that the maid is lazy and their manicurist is slow.

Dan won't do this to my nails.  Maybe if I make the pouty face enough...

Luckily, a few people have reached out.  It's nice to know people care, but it's hard knowing they are so far away.  I got a call last night at 2am.  My new nephew, Shaeleb Mathias was about to be born.  I might not get to see him until he's almost a year old, and the thought brings tears to my eyes.

His too.  He's sad he won't get to meet his Aunty for a while yet

I appreciate every message you send, even if your just telling me about your job or your dog or the time of day there.  I'm very lonely.  Sometimes I can't hide it anymore.  Now is one of those times.  Bare with me.  It'll get better and I'll go back to light-hearted posts with photoshops of cats.

That's how I feel about McDonald's fries too

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Sabrina. It is hard and lonely here sometimes, but it will get better. You'll find your weekday buddy eventually, it will just take time, so don't give up. I think you are very funny, interesting, and fun. You just can't win with haters and they don't sound very fun either. I like your blog!
