I am a very vivid dreamer. I dream crazy, inexplicable things almost every night (I can't remember the last night I didn't have a dream I remembered, at least upon waking). Usually, these dreams have little or no relevance to the real world and very rarely can I connect what happens in dreams with things that have happened in the real world. One dream that made a particularly strong impression on me years ago had me running away through a series of attics from an android John Malkovich, while hundreds of small fish swam through the air. To this day, I have an unnatural fear of fish swimming in the air.
Terrifying |
Perhaps dreaming is so important to me because I am almost completely incapable of visualization while I'm awake. This is probably why I never did read the Lord of the Rings novels; there is so much description there that my brain just process and so I found the pages and pages of adjectives boring.
Other people helpfully brought it to life for me. |
My spacial thinking skills are pathetic. So while I'm asleep, my brain runs wild, and goes places I can't even explain most of the time, so a recent dream I had surprised me, because I was able to figure out what in my waking life had inspired every part of the dream.
I began to describe the dream here, and all the waking connections, and I started to get uncomfortable. Even though I am usually perfectly comfortable sharing my innermost thoughts with just about anyone, my dream life is going to remain mostly private. Sorry to disappoint you all. In fact, the only reason I'm posting this at all is because I promised myself I'd write one blog entry a week, and I'd spent considerable time on this already. I'll try to do better next time. Have some cute otters as a consolation.
Who could be disappointed after seeing this? |
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