Sunday, November 10, 2013

Obligatory Post About How Much Daylight Savings Time Sucks

Daylight Savings Time sucks. And I live in a state that doesn't even use it. Use it? Practice it? Throw themselves on a large spike rather than deal with it again, but then do because otherwise their kids would be late (early?) for school? I don't even know, because I've lived my formative years and most of my adulthood in Arizona, and we just don't go there.

I don't know why we don't go there.  That's just not how we roll.

This is how AZ rolls.

So we don't practice DST, but we still have to deal with it, because everybody else in the USA does.

Correction from Hawaii: Continental USA

Do other countries use it? I don't know, and I'm not going to bother looking it up. The less I know about DST, the better.

So here's everything I think I know about DST:
It was invented by Ben Franklin


At some point it was helpful for farmers or school kids or somebody, but it really isn't anymore because we have electricity

Which Hugh Jackman used for evil

Leap Forward and Fall Back

At least the hoes are excited.

It changed what time all my TV shows are on

This last is really the part that affects me most. I am an insomniac. Hopelessly, chronically sleepless. When I was in Abu Dhabi, I didn't have any sleep aids. Ambien is unheard of, melatonin is banned, and valerian root doesn't really work for me. I was recommended the tea version of valerian root, but fuck that noise (see previous blog post).

So in order to combat my chronic insomnia, I did all those things that health articles tell you to do. I exercised in the mid-late afternoon.

Praise Allah for in-building gym rooms!

…and I abided by a very strict nighttime regimen, which I still try and keep to, so I am not tempted to go hardcore with my sleeping meds again.

9:00pm: Floss and brush teeth
9:10pm: In bed, reading. Internet off
10:15-10:30pm: Lights out, no backsies

Not even Mary would argue with that.

Now that I'm back at home, I have at TV in my bedroom. This is not approved by the health articles, but I'm a rebel. I turn on the TV, read until I start getting drowsy, then watch American Dad until I drift off. Dan turns off the TV when he comes to bed.

Here's where DST has messed with my head: ADULT SWIM STARTS AN HOUR LATER!

<Cue Dramatic Music>

So, everyone bitching about DST and how the change is so hard, I'm with you. And I'll even try and one-up you by saying I have to change my whole schedule for six months (Five? Four? I don't know). I'm staying up later, but still getting up at the same time. Less sleep at night= Longer nap in the late morning= Less done during the day=

Sad Panda

That's right, insomnia and depression go hand-in-hand, like catsup* and mustard.

Or if you're in Utah, fry sauce.

So what am I to do? Honestly, I don't know. I'm going to one of those crazy states that uses DST in about a week, and then on a Caribbean cruise, and my strict nighttime regimen will go to the dog (and we know how well she handles things). For the time being, this long-form essay of complaining will have to suffice.

*Editor's Note: The boss says quote: "Fuck cats-up, Heinz is the only kind of ketchup there is."

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